26 de out. de 2008
De Malungo Pra Malungo: Dica da Semana!
Medical Physiology - Guyton & Hall
Johns Hopkins: The Harriet Lane Handbook: A Manual for Pediatric House Officers, 17th ed.
The Handbook is still intended as a convenient, readily accessible synthesis of information useful to the pediatric house officer and pediatric practitioner.”
The reality of a handbook written “by house officers for house officers” continues in its current revision cycle every three years. Holding the sixth and seventeenth editions side by side, it’s hard to ignore that time has added considerable heft around the middle of the Handbook. Although the steadily increasing size perhaps reflects the exponentially increasing amount of medical knowledge and an expanding formulary, its editors have always tried to keep it to a “pocketable” size.
Pocket Clinician - Neonatology ( Cambridge)
TRAUMA- Feliciano , 6º Ed - 2008
19 de out. de 2008
Williams Hematology 2007
Concise Manual of Hematology and Oncology - 2008
Atlas of Clinical Hematology
Wintrobe's Atlas of Clinical Hematology , 2007
18 de out. de 2008
Procedures, Techniques and Minimally Invasive Monitoring in Intensive Care Medicine, 4th Edition
Williams Obstetrics
9 de out. de 2008
Williams Gynecology - 2008
Obstetric Evidence Based Guidelines
Atlas of Pelvic Surgery
The Atlas of Pelvic Surgery was originally developed as a practical guide to gynecologic procedures which reflected Dr. Wheeless' broad experience in surgery and his skill as a teacher. It is a well-respected and oft used text for those in training as well as doctors in practice across the globe which was last published in 1997.
The 4th edition of the Atlas of Pelvic Surgery as an internet atlas is a living document where one can find detailed information about an ever increasing variety of gynecologic surgical techniques. http://rapidshare.com/files/134884342/aps4.chm
8 de out. de 2008
Visual Diagnosis in Emergency and Critical Care Medicine
5 de out. de 2008
American Heart Association’s Scientific Statements and Practice Guidelines Core Collection 2008
Core Collection 2008 is a compilation of the American Heart Association’s Scientific Statements and Practice Guidelines. All of the AHA’s definitive scientific content is presented in an easy to use interface that facilitates searching, aggregating, bookmarking, and updating. The content on the CD-ROM is just the beginning. Throughout the year, as new Scientific Statements and Practice Guidelines are released, users with an Internet connection will be alerted to new content available and given the opportunity to update their Core Collection.
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