14 de dez. de 2008

Mri Parameters and Positioning

An indispensable companion in the MR suite!  Magnetic resonance imaging is a modality that is carried out under highly standardized conditions. Without knowledge of proper patient positioning and setting of parameters on the MR scanner, the quality of resultant images cannot be optimized.  This book provides in easy-to-use form the general principles of patient positing in MR imaging, and the appropriate scanning parameters, as used most commonly in hospital departments and practice.  The text is organized in a manner that follows the chronological order of examination steps:  - preparation for the examination and materials needed; - specifics as to patient positioning and choice of coils; - protocols for carrying out the examination; - examples of recommended MR imaging sequence parameters; - tips and tricks 
Besides the classic indications arising from neurological and orthopedic disorders, this book includes positioning information for the entire body and adjunct examinations, including MR angiography and MR cholangiography examinations.

Normal findings in CT and MRI

The key for any beginning ically apradiologist who wishes to recognize pathological findings is to first acquire an ability to distinguish them from normal ones. This outstanding guide gives beginning radiologists the tools they need to systematproach and recognize normal MR and CT images.


Applied Radiological Anatomy for Medical Students - Cambridge

Applied Radiological Anatomy for Medical Students is the definitive atlas of human anatomy, utilizing the complete range of imaging modalities to describe normal anatomy and radiological findings. Initial chapters describe all imaging techniques and introduce the principles of image interpretation. These are followed by comprehensive sections on each anatomical region. Hundreds of high-quality radiographs, MRI, CT and ultrasound images are included, complemented by concise, focussed text. Many images are accompanied by detailed, fully labelled line illustrations to aid interpretation. Written by leading experts and experienced teachers in imaging and anatomy, Applied Radiological Anatomy for Medical Students is an invaluable resource for all students s of anatomy and radiology.

Pocket Atlas of Radiographic Anatomy

In spite of the advent of digital imaging modalities, the importance of interpreting conventional radiographs has not diminished. As with the first edition, this book presents radiographic anatomy as it appears in all commonly performed radiographic examinations. The visible anatomic structures are keyed to schematic drawings on the opposing page, thus aiding identification and interpretation. For the the new edition, many studies have been replaced with better quality radiographs and drawings.

Neuroanatomy: Text and Atlas, 3rd Edition

The most comprehensive approach to neuroanatomy from both a functional and regional perspective! With over 400 illustrations, this thoroughly updated Third Edition examines how parts of the nervous system work together to regulate body systems  and produce behavior. The illustration program features brain views produced by MRI and PET imaging technology, 2-color line illustrations, and myelin-stained sections as well as an 80-page atlas of key views of the surface anatomy of the central nervous system.

Carpenter Neurophysiology - 4th.Ed

The new fourth edition of this textbook presents a clear account of neurology/neuroscience for students of medicine, physiology, neuroscience and bioscience. This edition integrates information on basic neurophysiology with functional neuroanatomy, core neurology and clinical cases and provides new material on channels and receptors, central motor system, 'higher' functions and development. The book has been completely redesigned in a larger format with new artwork to ensure that information is as clear and accessible as possible. The free CD that accompanies the book incorporates an upgraded version of the popular 'Neurolab'; an atlas of neuroanatomy; animated diagrams of brain development; questions with timings and explained answers; a review of neuro websites and footage of the neurological examination and the clinical signs of the major neurological conditions.
PASS : giga 

Color Atlas of Neurology

Dissection of the Human Brain - DVD

Brain Dissections by Lennart Heimer The need in medicine and basic science for a sophisticated knowledge of human brain anatomy is greater now than ever before. Clinically, the emergence of ever more sophisticated brain imaging modalities and continually increasing capacity to precisely target specific sites for deep brain stimulation and focal lesions demand that neuroanatomical knowledge of the human brain keeps pace. Tremendous progress during the last thirty years in revealing details of neural connections and principles of organization of animal brains demands that the basic neuroscientist discern what these principles mean to the organization of the human brain, which is still best appreciated by careful dissection. No textbook or model can replace dissection of the human brain as the ultimate educational experience. Lennart Heimer, MD, one of the most respected neuroanatomy educators of his time, has created a practical guide for the systematic dissection of the human brain. This DVD contains two separate dissection guides. One emphasizes the technique of blunt dissection for the study of major fiber bundles, and the second focuses on surface topography, coronal/horizontal sections, and exploration of the ventricle system.