14 de set. de 2008

Como Ler Artigos Científicos - BMJ

Not surprisingly, the wide publicity given to what is now called “evidence based medicine” has been greeted with mixed reactions by those who are involved in the provision of patient care.The bulk of the medical profession appears to be slightly hurt by the concept, suggesting as it does that until recently all medical practice was what Lewis Thomas has described as a frivolous and irresponsible kind of human experimentation, based on nothing but trial and error and usually resulting in precisely that sequence. On the other hand, politicians and those who administrate our health services have greeted the notion with enormous glee. They had suspected all along that doctors were totally uncritical and now they had it on paper. Evidence based medicine came as a gift from the gods because, at least as they perceived it, its implied efficiency must inevitably result in cost saving. http://www.4shared.com/file/63016612/4deecbdc/HOW_TO_READ_A_PAPER_-_ebm__by_malungo.html