31 de ago. de 2008
Brenner and Rector's The Kidney, 8th ed. -2007
As readers approach this Eighth edition, they will immediately appreciate our radical change in book design, with vibrant cover art and pages in full color to enhance visual appeal and illustration clarity. Despite growth in knowledge, we have beseeched authors to adhere to strictly assigned length limitations and to emphasize literature published since 1990, since older references are readily available in cited reviews and previous editions .
Diagnostic Imaging: Abdomen
In summary, Diagnostic Imaging is a product designed with you, the reader, in mind. Today's typical practice settings demand efficiency in both image interpretation and learning. We think you'll find the new Abdomen volume a highly efficient and wonderfully rich resource that will be the core of your reference collection in abdominal imaging. Enjoy!
30 de ago. de 2008
Diagnostic imaging : Brain - Anne 0. Osborn
Pronto Japa , pode fazer o download . Neste link abaixo é só clicar em "request ticket" e depois "download". Aquele abraço . kkkk
The neuroimaging, neurology, neurosurgery, neuropathology communities have been waiting a long time for a new "Osborn". We at Amirsys and Elsevier are proud to present a precedent-setting, image and graphics packed series that debuts with a brand-new work by Anne G. Osborn and colleagues. This splendid work represents the textbook of the twenty-first century: Not your old-fashioned, dense prose exposition with comparatively few images. The unique bulleted format of the Diagnostic Imaging books allows our authors to present approximately twice the information and four times the images per diagnosis, compared to the old-fashioned traditional prose textbook.
Computed Body Tomography with MRI Correlation , 4th Edition - Lee, Joseph
The task of deciding which diagnostic test is most appropriate for a given clinical problem has remained a challenge in our practice. A thorough understanding of clinical issues, as well as the advantages and limitations of each imaging technique, is essential for determining the best imaging approach for establishing a specific diagnosis in a given situation. Our recommended uses of CT and MRI have been developed through the efforts of radiology colleagues at our three medical centers. We are fully aware that equally valid alternative imaging approaches to certain clinical problems exist. Furthermore, increasing knowledge, continued technologic improvement, and differences in available equipment and expertise will influence the selection of a particular imaging method at a given institution.
26 de ago. de 2008
Atlas of Mammography, 3rd Ed. - 2007
The focus of this book is to present via mammographic images, the patterns of normal and abnormal breasts so that radiologists may be better equipped to identify breast cancers. The Atlas of Mammography serves as a primary training tool as well as a reference source when one is faced with a diagnostic dilemma. The book is organized based on a pattern-recognition format, thereby facilitating its use as a reference source.
Breast Imaging, 3rd Edition - 2007
Anyone who has written a book knows that it is an enormous undertaking. I have tried to make Breast Imaging as complete as I can, but I have certainly not covered every aspect in the detail that many might wish while . My hope is that most readers will find this a useful text and that it will encourage more young radiologists to enter the field. As other researchers look for preventive measures and cures, we, in breast imaging, have forged ahead saving lives. There is still enormous room for improvement. The past decades are only the foundation.
Breast Cancer - Springer 2008
This second edition of Breast Cancer continues the tradition of the M. D.
Anderson Cancer Care Series. The book is oriented towards the needs of
clinicians who manage breast cancer at every stage of the disease. Chapters
are written by experts with a strong knowledge of research findings
who also are active in the clinic and understand the practical needs of the
patient and her physician.
Breast Cancer, An Issue of PET Clinics
Breast cancer is one of the most devastating diseases affecting women in Western countries. Although progress has been made in the development of new therapeutic agents, approximately 40,000 patients in the United States alone will die of breast cancer in 2005. The diagnosis of breast cancer—especially in the early stages—is challenging, and mammography
and ultrasound play an important role in screening asymptomatic women as well as in the initial workup of suspicious breast lesions. Positron emission tomography (PET) has become widely available in the United States, and this first issue of the PET Clinics is devoted to the current status and potential future applications of molecular PET imaging in breast cancer .
Radiologic Clinics of North America
This issue of the Radiologic Clinics of North America covers most of the major developments in breast imaging that have taken place in the three
years since the last (sixth) breast imaging issue was published in September 2004. Some of the topics are similar but contain substantially updated material; new topics reflect other recent advances in knowledge or technology. The aim of each article is to provide clinically relevant summaries of the state of the art to radiologists both in training and
in practice.
24 de ago. de 2008
23 de ago. de 2008
Surviving Sepsis Campaing 2008
De Malungo Pra Malungo - Dica da Semana
Aí pessoal , envio este excelente link para quem deseja compreender um pouco mais da prática baseada em evidências.
A série User Guides to the Medical Literature (JAMA) desde 1993 tem abordado, de forma muito agradável, temas de essencial importância para uma prática enfocada na melhor evidência disponível . Vale a pena entrar nesse site, os artigos estão disponíveis para acesso livre. Grande abraço !
Evidence-based neurology - BMJ
carefully selected group of collaborators contributed to this book on evidence-based neurology, which aims to answer more than 100 clinical questions about treatment and management of neurological disorders. Participating authors, all of whom have clinical experience in specific neurological disorders, used a standard approach to search and summarize the results of existing scientific evidence in an attempt to provide
readers with a straightforward text.
22 de ago. de 2008
Braunwald's Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine, 8th ed.
The currents of contemporary cardiovascular disease run swiftly, broadly, and deeply. The Eighth Edition of Braunwald's Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine, presented here, serves as the hub of a learning system designed to help physicians and students at all levels, from trainees to highly specialized practitioners, confront the challenge of staying abreast of this rapidly evolving field.
21 de ago. de 2008
This manual is dedicated to all residents past and present who have donated their time and effort to the advancement of radiology trainee interests. The manual represents the work of many individuals who have contributed their expertise and resources toward producing a product that will hopefully be
of great use to all radiology residents, fellows, and young radiologists. This work has gone through many revisions since the idea was originally conceived and will continue to reflect changing conditions and practices in the years to follow.
Essential Echocardiography
The elements of echocardiography presented in this volume indirectly help us with both of those issues. First, whatever their specialty, training, or background, those who wish to add acquisition and/or interpretation of
echocardiograms to their skill set can benefit remarkably from this clear and readable text. Second, by integrating echocardiography into the physiological tradition of cardiovascular medicine, Solomon and colleagues provide a firm foundation for those who wish to supplement the complete and careful physical examination by the aware practitioner with state-of-the-art information available from the latest technological advances in noninvasive diagnosis.
Chest Radiology: The Essentials, 2008
The objective of this book is to provide a practical tool for those wanting to quickly acquire a broad base of knowledge in thoracic imaging. The content is limited to the essentials of chest radiology so as not to overwhelm the novice, yet provides enough detail that it can serve as a quick review for residents or practicing radiologists, a guide for those who teach thoracic imaging, and a reference for internists, pulmonologists, thoracic surgeons, critical care physicians, family practitioners, and other health care professionals whose patients undergo thoracic imaging procedures.
20 de ago. de 2008
Revisão UpToDate 16.1 - ACLS-BLS -
The idea behind UpToDate is relatively simple, but totally unique.
UpToDate is a worldwide clinical community that you can be part of and benefit from. UpToDate is the largest clinical community in the world dedicated to synthesizing knowledge for clinicians and patients. Our community includes more than 3,800 expert clinicians who function as authors, editors and peer reviewers and nearly 320,000 users who provide feedback and questions to our editorial group. Our role is to facilitate interaction among members of the health care community and to synthesize and disseminate information in order to help doctors be better doctors.
UpToDate is evidence-based and uses a literature-driven updating system; more than 400 journals are monitored by editors and authors, and anytime something of importance is published, it is incorporated into the program. The key word here is "incorporated."
Although seeking an evidence base for medicine is as old as medicine
itself, in the past decade the concept of evidence-based medicine (EBM)
has strongly stimulated the application of the best available evidence from
clinical research into medical practice. At the same time, this process has
revealed the need for a more extensive and more valid evidence base as
input for EBM. Accordingly, investigators have been encouraged to
intensify the production and innovation of clinical knowledge, and clinical
research has become more successful in seeing its results implemented in
practice more completely in a shorter period.
19 de ago. de 2008
Revisão sobre Dislipidemia
The idea behind UpToDate is relatively simple, but totally unique.
UpToDate is a worldwide clinical community that you can be part of and benefit from. UpToDate is the largest clinical community in the world dedicated to synthesizing knowledge for clinicians and patients. Our community includes more than 3,800 expert clinicians who function as authors, editors and peer reviewers and nearly 320,000 users who provide feedback and questions to our editorial group. Our role is to facilitate interaction among members of the health care community and to synthesize and disseminate information in order to help doctors be better doctors.
UpToDate is evidence-based and uses a literature-driven updating system; more than 400 journals are monitored by editors and authors, and anytime something of importance is published, it is incorporated into the program. The key word here is "incorporated." UpToDate is not a journal watch. New studies are not simply added, but rather they are placed in the context of what has already been published in that field.
We believe it is crucial to maintain our editorial independence, so we do not accept money from pharmaceutical companies or other advertisers.
17 de ago. de 2008
Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 18th ed. - 2007
The publication of this 18th Edition of Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics combines an important synthesis of clinical pediatrics with the rapid advances in genomics, diagnosis, imaging, and therapeutics. The 18th edition continues to represent the “state of the art” on the care of the normal and ill neonate, child, or adolescent by presenting both evidence-based medicine as well as astute clinical experiences from leading international authors.
Atlas of Pediatrics Emergency Medicine 2007
This Atlas is intended to assist the busy clinician in diagnosis, work-up and disposition. It was written for anyone who steps foot into a Pediatric Emergency Department and has the privilege of taking care of children. It is also the hope of the authors that the experiences we have had and the images we have captured will stimulate the clinicians who are starting their careers to never stop asking questions, always strive to improve the art of visual diagnosis, work on eliminating any fear of patient contact and never stop learning from your patients.
Respiratory System and Artificial Ventilation 2008
Intellectual undertakings, such as publishing a medical book—in this case, one concerning the respiratory tract and artificial support techniques—offer an important incentive for experts in a particular field, in that, as authors, they have the opportunity to share research results, whether their own or those of the working group they represent. Such books provide challenging and qualified updates to young researchers, who are thereby able to enhance their knowledge and working methods, for example, with the aim of improving the treatment standards of intensive-care patients.
Clinical Tests for the Musculoskeletal System
Advancements in orthopedics have occurred at a rapid pace in recent
years. Whereas new modalities such as ultrasound, computed tomography,
and magnetic resonance imaging are occasionally able to help us
make precise orthopedic diagnoses more rapidly, meticulous history
taking and thorough clinical examination remain crucial to any treatment.
15 de ago. de 2008
Introduction To Chest Radiology - Tutorial
Tutorial sobre Introdução à Radiologia do Tórax.
Departamento de Radiologia da Universidade da Virgínia, EUA.
Neste Tutorial: Como é a técnica adequada, anatomia radiológica básica do tórax, como interpretar um filme radiográfico, radiografia das principais patologias do tórax (pneumonia, atelectasia, edema pulmonar, tuberculose,pneumotórax, enfisema e várias outras).
Idioma: Inglês
Skeletal Trauma Radiology - Tutorial
Tutorial sobre Radiologia do Trauma Esquelético.
Departamento de Radiologia da Universidade da Virgínia, EUA.
Em 'Skeletal Trauma' você encontra a descrição da anatomia radiográfica normal de cada parte do corpo (Mãos e punhos, Cotovelos, Ombros, Coluna Vertebral, Pelve, Joelhos,Tornozelos, Pés e Calcanhares), considerações gerais da área e a seguir as fraturas que acometem a região.
Muito didático!
Idioma: Inglês
Formato: PDF
14 de ago. de 2008
Professional Guide to Signs and Symptoms, 5th Edition
The Professional Guide to Signs & Symptoms, Fifth Edition, is designed to give students and practitioners a concise reference to many of the signs and symptoms encountered in clinical practice.
Pulmonary Embolism
Since the first edition of Pulmonary Embolism was published in 1996, major strides have been made in many aspects of pulmonary embolism and its immediate cause, deep venous thrombosis. The purpose of this secondedition is to provide detailed, in depth information on pulmonary embolism in a format that is readily usable by practicing physicians, and at the same time, provide fully referenced data that can serve as a resource for physicianswith a deeper interest in the field.
Irwin and Rippe's Intensive Care Medicine, 6th Edition
Evidence-based medicine has become increasingly prominent in all branches of medical inquiry, including critical care. To meet the need for evidence-based guidelines, we asked every chapter author to comment specifically on recent trials, with a particular emphasis on randomized prospective controlled trials. When the data have allowed, authors have summarized such evidence with helpful tables within their chapters.
Evidence-based gastroenterology and hepatology - BMJ
Evidence-based gastroenterology and hepatology is the application of the most valid scientific information to the care of patients with gastrointestinal and hepatic diseases. Physicians who treat patients with digestive diseases must provide their patients with the most appropriate diagnostic tests, the most accurate prognosis and the most effective and
safe therapy. To meet this high standard individual clinicians must have access to and be able to evaluate scientific evidence.
Advances in the Management of Gastric Cancer
Washington Manual of Surgical Pathology, The 1st Edition
“Welcome to the 32nd edition of the Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics” is the opening salutation to the most recent edition of a publication that began as a handout to senior medical students, interns, and residents on the Ward Medical Service, as it was known at Barnes Hospital
pass: malungo
The Washington Manual of Surgery
As with the previous four editions, this fifth edition of The Washington Manual™ of Surgery is designed to complement The Washington Manual™ of Medical Therapeutics. Written by resident and faculty members of the Department of Surgery, it presents a brief, rational approach to the management of patients with surgical problems. The text is directed to the reader at the level of the second- or third-year surgical resident, although surgical and nonsurgical attendings, medical students, physician assistants, and others who provide care for patients with surgical problems will find it of interest and assistance.
Sabiston Textbook of Surgery, 18th ed.
The 18th edition of the Sabiston Textbook of Surgery reflects these exciting changes and new knowledge. We have incorporated 3 new chapters and more than 50 new authors to ensure that the most current information is presented. The goal of this new edition is to remain the most thorough, useful, readable, and understandable textbook presenting the principles and techniques of surgery. It is designed to be equally useful to students, trainees, and experts in the field. We are committed to maintaining this tradition of excellence begun in 1936. Surgery, after all, remains a discipline in which the knowledge and skill of a surgeon combine for the welfare of our patients.
13 de ago. de 2008
Case Studies in Medical Images
In this book, knowledge is conveyed predominantly through case studies using images and supplemented with brief text in a question and answer format. The core knowledge in Radiology that a medical graduate ‘must
know’ is covered in these cases. This book does not discuss the physical principles of the various imaging modalities, as these have been adequately covered in other ‘textbooks’, but focuses on imaging information
for common cases medical student and young residents must be familiar with.
Atualização em Sepse
This book is intended to address new concepts in medical care for a wide
variety of clinicians who are involved in the care of patients with pneumonia and sepsis. This material is a compendium that goes from basic science research regarding genetics in sepsis and the impact of inflammation and aging in pneumococcal disease to new and future interventions translating basic information into clinical practice. Other topics covered in this book include issues regarding antibiotic therapy,
such as other roles for macrolides, and appropriate dose adjustment and pharmacodynamic considerations.
Finally, a wide variety of novel and innovative therapies are reviewed, including corticosteroids, statins, and nonspecific removal of sepsis mediators that are being used in patients with pneumonia and sepsis.
Manejo da Via Aérea
ACS Surgery: Principles & Practice, 2007 Edition
Princípios e Práticas da Colonoscopia
"Colonoscopy is not merely a tool in the hands of a
practitioner, but it is a discipline with an infrastructure
built upon many areas of medicine, including internal
medicine, the general practice of medicine, and gastroenterology
in particular, as well as surgery, pathology,
radiology, pediatrics, and molecular biology. The
expanding horizon of colonoscopy was the stimulus for
us to organize a new comprehensive textbook on this
field. The chapters in this volume address every aspect
of colonoscopy, and its interface with all of the other sections
of medicine."
Interpreting Chest X-Rays
Excelente livro da Cambridge para interpretação de R-x de Tórax .
"Interpreting chest X-rays can seem baffling and intimidating for junior doctors. This highly illustrated guide provides the ideal introduction to chest radiology. It uses 100 clinical casesto illuminate a wide range of common medical conditions, each illustrated with a chest X-ray
and a clear description of the significant diagnostic features and their clinical relevance. Where appropriate, CT scans and bronchoscopic imaging are also included as part of the investigation."
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