25 de set. de 2008

DICA DA SEMANA - De Malungo pra Malungo

Quem ainda não conhece, deve conhecer . Livro muito didático , com uma versão nova esteticamente fascinate e repleto de informações de relevância para a prática clínica . Referência há muito tempo para os Pneumologistas, ainda melhor nessa edição de 2008. Enjoy!! http://ifile.it/shteprm/fishmans_pulmonary_diseases_and_disorders.rar

Imaging of Pulmonary Infections

Imaging of Pulmonary Infections presents a brief, practical approach to the differential diagnosis of pulmonary infections based on their characteristic radiographic and CT manifestations. It discusses the value and limitations of chest radiography, indications for CT, optimal CT technique, and the role of intravenous contrast. The book describes and illustrates the characteristic imaging manifestations of the most common community-acquired pneumonias, nosocomial pneumonias, and the various infections seen in immunocompromised patients. It contains a large number of simple, practical tables that summarize the characteristic manifestations of bacterial, mycobacterial, fungal, and viral infections.

15 de set. de 2008

Focal Liver Lesions

Few fi elds of medicine have witnessed such impressive progress as the diagnosis and treatment of liver tumors. Advances in imaging technology, the development of novel contrast agents, and the introduction of optimized scanning protocols have greatly facilitated the non-invasive detection and characterization of focal liver lesions. Furthermore,image-guided techniques for percutaneous tumor ablation have become an accepted alternative treatment for patients with inoperable liver cancer. http://www.4shared.com/file/63158848/4d1f9db/Focal_Liver_Lesions-_by_malungo.html

Febre e Abscesso Hepático - UpToDate 16.2


14 de set. de 2008

Statistical Methods in Medical Research


Using and Understanding Medical Statistics


Como Ler Artigos Científicos - BMJ

Not surprisingly, the wide publicity given to what is now called “evidence based medicine” has been greeted with mixed reactions by those who are involved in the provision of patient care.The bulk of the medical profession appears to be slightly hurt by the concept, suggesting as it does that until recently all medical practice was what Lewis Thomas has described as a frivolous and irresponsible kind of human experimentation, based on nothing but trial and error and usually resulting in precisely that sequence. On the other hand, politicians and those who administrate our health services have greeted the notion with enormous glee. They had suspected all along that doctors were totally uncritical and now they had it on paper. Evidence based medicine came as a gift from the gods because, at least as they perceived it, its implied efficiency must inevitably result in cost saving. http://www.4shared.com/file/63016612/4deecbdc/HOW_TO_READ_A_PAPER_-_ebm__by_malungo.html

13 de set. de 2008

Colonoscopy Principles and Practice

the effectiveness of the procedure. Colonoscopy is not merely a tool in the hands of a practitioner, but it is a discipline with an infrastructure built upon many areas of medicine, including internal medicine, the general practice of medicine, and gastroenterology in particular, as well as surgery, pathology, radiology, pediatrics, and molecular biology. The expanding horizon of colonoscopy was the stimulus for us to organize a new comprehensive textbook on this field. The chapters in this volume address every aspect of colonoscopy, and its interface with all of the other sections of medicine. http://www.4shared.com/file/58612543/906b9605/Colonoscopy_Principles_and_Practice-_by_malungo.html

12 de set. de 2008


In undertaking the writing of any textbook of neurology, one must concede that most patients present problems that are not easily abbreviated to stereotyped clinical descriptions. Many of the large problems in neurology, such as the nature of the degenerative and demyelinating diseases, not to mention behavioral aberrations, remain, for the most part, abstruse. It has been our goal in choosing the background material in each chapter to provide a wide intellectual scope that promotes understanding of pathophysiologic processes and challenges the clinician’s innate synthetic capacity. For these reasons, as in previous editions of the book, an attempt is made to guide the reader to the fullest possible understanding of all aspects of neurologic disease, including both clinical and new scientific data. This necessitates that rote and algorithmic or abstracted versions of the clinical method be avoided in favor of detailed descriptions. A larger medical context is provided for each category of disease, so that an entire story can be told about a subject rather than presenting terse and disembodied information. Such a perspective includes the historical development of ideas about major categories of neurologic disorders, classical clinicalpathologic correlations, and, increasingly, molecular and physiologic processes. We believe this provides a conceptual framework that brings coherence to the large subjects of clinical neurology such as demyelinating disease, stroke, head injury, neuropathy, dementia, and degenerative disorders. This plan is the soundest basis for mastering the complexities of clinical neurology. http://www.4shared.com/file/59983569/a005a1ec/Neurologia_2005_Adams_and_Victors_Principles_of_Neurology_8th_bymalungo.html

Abeloff's Clinical Oncology, 4th ed.

Our goal is to provide a textbook that is the most useful, understandable, attractive, and thorough in presenting the principles of clinical oncology. It is meant to be equally useful to students and trainees, experts in the various disciplines of oncology, and as a reference text for physicians from other disciplines who also see patients with cancer. It is our hope that readers will find this scholarly textbook properly balanced between the disciplines of science, clinical medicine, and humanism and that it will serve them well in their efforts to prevent, diagnose, and effectively treat their patients suffering from cancer.


10 de set. de 2008


A Two-Volume reference on the scientific basis and clinical practice of radiology, this new edition has been thoroughly revised and up-dated with the latest technologies and modalities in the field. The book is organized by body system and incorporates an integrated, multi-modality approach to radiological diagnosis . The emphasis in on the clinical effectiveness of contemporary imaging practice. The text is supported with abundant high-quality illustrations.

http://rapidshare.com/files/117384726/textbook_of_radiology_and_imaging_-_david_sutton_-_volume_01.pdf http://rapidshare.com/files/117392640/textbook_of_radiology_and_imaging_-_david_sutton_-_volume_02.pdf

A–Z of Emergency Radiology - Cambridge

Radiology plays an integral role in various medical specialities, with Accident and Emergency (A&E) being no exception.The nature of A&E medicine is such that a clinician encounters a potentially huge variety of pathologies in any one shift. Consequently, the various radiological investigations requested in theA&E setting often form the cornerstone of accurate patient management. Many established textbooks are available in Medicine, Surgery and Paediatrics for example,which detail the management of various disease processes.Similarly there are textbooks of radiology that detail the radiology of the same.However, it is not uncommon for a clinician to require both the management and radiology immediately to hand when confronted by a sick patient.This is where we hope this book comes in. http://www.4shared.com/file/58831776/9ad778d9/A-Z_of_Emergency_Radiology-_by_malungo.html

A–Z of Chest Radiology - Cambridge

A–Z of Chest Radiology provides a comprehensive, concise, easily accessible radiological guide to the imaging of acute and chronic chest conditions. Organised in A–Z format by disorder, each entry gives easy access to the key clinical features of a disorder. An introductory chapter guides the reader in how to review chest X-rays accurately. This is followed by a detailed discussion of over 60 chest disorders, listing appearances, differential diagnoses, clinical features, radiological advice andmanagement. Each disorder is highly illustrated to aid diagnosis; the management advice is concise and practical. A–Z of Chest Radiology is an invaluable pocket reference for the busy clinician as well as an aid-me´moire for revision in higher exams in both medicine and radiology. http://www.4shared.com/file/58831292/5f253a5/A-Z_of_Chest_Radiology__Cambridge_2007_-_by_malungo.html

7 de set. de 2008

Cecil Medicine, 23rd ed. - 2007

The contents of Cecil have remained true to the tradition of a comprehensive textbook of medicine that carefully explains the why (the underlying normal physiology and pathophysiology of disease, now at the cellular and molecular as well as the organ level) and the how (now frequently based on Grade A evidence from randomized controlled trials). Descriptions of physiology and pathophysiology include the latest genetic advances in a practical format that strives to be useful to the nonexpert. Medicine has entered an era when the acuity of illness and the limited time available to evaluate a patient have diminished the ability of physicians to satisfy their intellectual curiosity. As a result, the acquisition of information, quite easily achieved in this era, is often confused with knowledge. We have attempted to counteract this tendency with a textbook that not only informs but also stimulates new questions and gives a glimpse of the future path to new knowledge. Grade A evidence is specifically highlighted in the text and referenced at the end of each chapter. http://www.4shared.com/file/59418007/71a31f28/Cecil_Medicine_23rd_Edpart1.html http://www.4shared.com/file/59427035/ab434741/Cecil_Medicine_23rd_Edpart2.html http://www.4shared.com/file/59407081/351a09f3/Cecil_Medicine_23rd_Edpart3.html

5 de set. de 2008

American College of Physicians - 2007

EXCELENTE !!! Uma obra atualizadíssima, com a marca do ACP . Aproveitem! http://www.4shared.com/file/59102469/c5586512/ACP_Medicine_2007_Edition_By_malungopart1.html http://www.4shared.com/file/59108314/9e5a7989/ACP_Medicine_2007_Edition_By_malungopart2.html http://www.4shared.com/file/59108328/bcc16661/ACP_Medicine_2007_Edition_By_malungopart3.html

2 de set. de 2008

De Malungo Pra Malungo - Dica da Semana !!

DeGowin's Diagnostic Examination, 8th Edition EXCELENTE !!! Esse livro é alia de uma forma única a semiologia e propredêutica ao diagnóstico diferencial. Um grande mestre me apresentou a uma edição anterior dessa obra, mas essa penúltima edição está ainda melhor. ( A última está em pré-venda) Grande abraço !! "The clinician's goal in performing a history and physical examination is to generate diagnostic hypotheses. This was true for Hippocrates and Olser and remains true today. The practice of medicine would be simple if each symptom or sign could be matched to a single disease, but this is not the case. There are a large number of symptoms and signs; we cover several hundred in this book, and they can occur in a nearly infinite number of combinations and temporal patterns." http://www.4shared.com/file/59968893/a7a1fe0e/DEGOWINS_-_by_malungo.html